Grants a bonus to your automaton's accuracy, ranged accuracy, evasion, and magic defense. For instance, one macro is set to cast multiple songs of the same type. Something like this. lua file. This will display any problems with equipping the set (for instance, the current job cannot wear it or a piece of gear is not in your inventory). /equipset 2 --this is the set for landing your shot. What made the Thaumas Body so powerful was the multihit it provided on top of the haste. Just. Scholars have to pay close attention to the battle as to see if they can improve the situation with their unique spells and abilities. Worked pretty good for me: Always use /sch. lua" file. The standard format for equip macros is like this: /equip Slot "Item Name". alt 9 utsi ni. /ra <t>. /m "Refresh" <me>. 5 + ~30 ) = ~51. 145Yield: Rose Wand. The primary role of any bard is to enhance the party and enfeeble the target monster using the range of a bard's songs. Fight II. Macros are pretty simple to setup in FF XI. function user_setup ()Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 2 (Su2). First make sure that the txt file is in your Scripts folder inside the Windower folder. To access another set. You will always be steps behind someone using gearswap if you aren’t. Rinako 2011-06-16 01:01:53. Again I forgot to use my equip macro for extra Charm. Passive job traits available to Monk: Martial Arts:. You can have one of each up at all times. Pros of Spharai: ★Highest base damage of any H2H weapons. Macros may be simple to make, but if you want to grab the party's attention when casting a Cure or buff spells then here's a few macros that I have set up for my White Mage. 180 Capacity Point. Some of the things that my profiles will do is automatically equip idle regen or refresh gear below a predefined % amount. AF2- Activated. You can customize this % amounts globally in the gcinclude file or on a per job basis in your job file. My charm macro does /equip head "Noble's Ribbon" /equip neck "Bird Whistle" /equip L. Slaven 2010-04-08 12:12:56. Yeah i do use 3 different sets of macros but I use a ps2. Okay, the macros set are followed: there are 10 macros in each set, one is access by using Ctrl or L2 the other is Alt or R2. Your Automaton can be equipped in a variety of ways by selecting Attachments, heads and frames. Anyone can help I would be very grateful!! input /ja "Ready" <me>; wait . /equipset 2 --this is the set for landing your shot. Now type /lockstyleset <set number> and it will automatically change your glamour to that set and lock it. The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. At least that's how it was working a few weeks. You can put /equip whatever and JA ws magic in same macro, without wait. hpp < 80 then idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets. And for ammo it would be. enough, I think, to offset the Quad. alt 8 call beast. This way you don't need to keep checking, just have an /equip macro in your shoot macro and look for 'equipment changed', or have a separate line to equip it that you can hit as soon as you see 'you do not have an appropriate ranged weapon equipped'. Under Config > Chat Filters ensure you have "Attacks you evade" marked as "OFF". This category has the same effect as the /lockstyle commands. Enters 'linkshell' chat mode. Use <bt> so you can cast on the party's target (red name) without having to target it. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). In this case put ring1 and ear1 on. Treat windower scripts exactly like in game macros. Displays game version. While the Volte Doublet offers solid Magic Evasion, MDB, as well as Refresh, it is hard to get just like the Ashera Harness. It would. I'll just use 6 for simplicity. ring; Back; Waist; Legs; Feet; To unequip a slot, don't specify an item. 3. A /p <tp> macro is more important than a WS macro, IMO. <filter> is an optional list of words that restricts the output to only those items that contain text from one of the filter’s words. . ctrl 3 echo macro for pet tp hp % check. 75. But I leave the main,sub, ammo slot the same. Red Mage is easily one of the most gear intensive class in the entire game. /equip neck item name. Bear in mind that Trick Attack will transfer all the enmity of your damage onto the player you're. state. 150 Physical Defense Bonus Increases physical defense by 15. 186 additional skill. For a new player, WHM can be an opportunity, but it can also be an nightmare. Any useable equipment in your inventory or mog wardrobe can be equipped via the equipment macro palette or the regular macro system using the following macro. /equip l. DEX - Accuracy and critical hit rate. The absolutely correct way to shoot with vanilla macros is: First Macro : equip preshot set (snapshot, rapidshot), /ra. I do have a AutoRa script for Gearswap but the thing is that it stops be from attacking after I get 1000 tp. A Macro is a shortcut to run a set of one to six commands that can be used to activate a job ability, begin casting a spell, command a pet, or carry out other actions. 1. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). For instance, I use vanilla. Alexander and Odin can only be. Power Search. In the few seconds before Paralyze actually complets, the Willow Wand +1 (with MND+3) is cleverly switched in, after the spell has started. Alt +2 is WS clicking that sends you to page 3, where CRTL+1 is now dancing edge. This only works because I use <call21> for my MP macro. Go to your FFXI Directory after installing the windower and look for a folder called "scripts". Forum » FFXI » General » Equipment Macro Problem . Recast: 1min. Macro set #1 I have all my Cure spells on the alt line and status cures on the ctrl line Macro set #2 Enfeeble spells, both whm and blm on alt. Final Fantasy XI. You usually still have to type out most of your macros yourself. Exploring FFXI. 3 seconds) that it costs a Summoner to keep an Avatar out. What do I do? The macro is just below. In order to do this to the highest level of effectiveness you are going to want to look for equipment that either enhances instrument skill, for example: lvl 60 Choral Cuffs which enhance your Singing Skill by +5 and. Name 10: Max MP Boost I: 15: Clear Mind I: 20: Resist Slow I: 25: Auto Refresh I: 30: Max MP Boost II: 30:. Global Topic. ring "Pearl Ring" /ja Charm <stnpc> /equip head "Bastokan Visor" And if I select my pet too fast, I end up with the Ribbon still equipped. /equip hands "Cobra Unit cuffs". Using the Windower macros and this is the macro I currently have but doesn't seem to work. Geomancer Overview: -Light armor, similar to that of a BRD. Yeah I. The problem with that is that the majority of players that pick up a guide like that will stop reading after the first few replies to the guide, most wont read through years of posts to see. 52THF/38RNG/26NIN. . -----Thanks 0; Comment. g. 5, leaving 36 % to cap in gear, then rounding down on all counts requires me to. Select Mount from Abilities in the action menu or main menu. I'm trying to create a macro where I equip an item, cast an ability, then equip a different item. I believe Anye has it correct. Usually ranked among the best for that slot. * You can also equip items in the same way from the Inventory. Pro Tip: Macro in equipment sets before weapon skilling, casting spells, using abilities, etc to improve performance. This weapon skill gives the most TP back when used since it is a two. The syntax for this is fairly simple: /equip Neck "Bird Whistle" Take a look at the in-game help for /equip for more help (/? equip) 3 - Pets 3. In this intermediate level guide, I will only cover /equip. Changing or removing the item equipped (or equipping an item, if none is currently equipped) in the main, sub, or range slots (if it's usable with ranged attacks) will cause your TP to reset to zero. /ja "Addendum: Black" <me>. Head - Neck - Ear1 - Ear2. I remember spending a gazilion of gil (we're talking about hundredS of millions of gil) to get DA+3. It utilizes various abilities to enhance magic casting, providing extensive utility, and is arguably one of the strongest solo (and collaborative) jobs in FFXI. The ideal macro for ws and casting shouldn't have wait. In either instance the pickaxe may either be reused or will break with a corresponding message informing of it. ** This guide is catered to Party play. A <wait 0. When making an item set it will create a macro page that you can copy and paste which works in windower. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. The sequential execution can be stopped by starting another macro during /wait commands,. It allows you to then tab and select the NPC (in our case a mob). A Macro is a shortcut to execute a sequence of one to six commands, each of which can be used to activate a Job Ability, start casting a spell, issue a pet command, change an item of equipment, put text to a chat channel, or perform some other action. This guide will cover topics useful for an endgame WHM. vs 126 mobs, 30. Game: FFXI. Can use it for all in one macros for warp, cures, etc. ring "Pearl Ring" /equip R. the /echo command puts something on the screen only you can see. The sequential execution can be stopped by starting another macro during /wait commands, using the "Escape" key on a. To create macros open up the main menu in game and go to the “Macros” section. Available after completing the quest Forge Your Destiny, the Samurai (SAM) job focuses on the mastery of weapon skills and skillchains. 778 users online . Enters 'tell' chat mode. A successful WHM comes down to 3 things: Know your enemy and spell priority, use strategies to buy more reaction time, and have good macros. A basic one for range attacks would be: /equip range "Enter Your Range Weapon Here". Resting Equipment Macro /equip Body "Errant Hpl. If you were able to call macros from macros then FFXI macros would be it's own botting language. /equipset 02 <wait 2> (midcast) /equipset 03 (aftercast/idle) This would perform something similar. Sloopy-Gloopy 14 years ago #1. /equip gear to increase Avatar: MaB. . Two sets of gear are provided: party and melee. Have to add a few seconds in the wait to account for lag sometimes. 50 Capacity Point Bonus Increases acquired capacity points by 9%. ) and [item] is the name of the. 145 Critical Damage Bonus Increases critical damage dealt by 2%. Could ask for the same for Ninjutsu tools too. Following is a sample of a macro used to both equip an instrument and then play song. VI) Leveling Guide (VII) Equipment (i) AF1 (VIII)Strategies (i) Party Formation (ii) Thief’s role in a party after level 15 (iii) Thief’s role in a party after level 30 (iv) Job Combinations (v) Sneak Attack and Trick Attack (IX) Macros (X) Additional Resources (XI) Special. 5, AP IV + OF I/II + light should be ( ~21. In order to harvest, all you need to do is use your pickaxe in the item list on the Mining Point. Windower gear macro with Mog Wardrobe. In FFXI, there are primarily 4 different setups depending on DD type: pet setup, melee setup, mage setup and ranged setup. Forum » FFXI » General » [dev] Equip macros [dev] Equip macros. /equipset # (cure set) You will end casting cure in your pre cast set because you just swaped after the spell was fired. bjjgrrl • 7 yr. Some people address this by doing a hybrid approach, like "/equip" for precast gear, and "/equipset" for midcast gear. /macro set 3 /ma Bind <t> /ma "Sleep II" <t> /ma "Sleepga II" <t> /equip main "Dark Staff" /heal /macro set 4 /macro set 5 Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise. I then have 3 different Macros for SATA + WS, SA, and TA, possibly doing /equip swaps on TA macro once hit level 60 and obtain Assassin. Another important concept for macros is the idea of swapping gear in and out. It works, it's just a bit weird because it waits 1 second before starting the cast which kinda defeats the purpose. Gearswap, as I understand it, simply sends the packet with the gear set directly, so it eliminates delays and errors. Say you have Colada #1 and Colada #2. Whm divine on ctrl. The only problem is the ranged. and the other stuff like Stoneskin, Phalanx, Enspells. I generally believe that if you want to put a /wait command in, you'd be better off using 2 macros. Job Description. Then, whenever you edit the gear in your lua and save the changes, type "//gs r" to update in-game. You should be able to add an echo command after the equip swap but before the ws: /equipset “WS set”; /echo “Weapon skill mode”; /ws “Weaponskill” <t>; /wait 2; /equipset “TP set”; /echo “TP mode”. Enchainment. Resting Equipment Macro /equip Body "Errant Hpl. The aim is to further expand your knowledge on the different ways macros can be used in FFXI. You need to go into your menus, find and select macros and then edit equip. 100 Double Attack Effect Increases double attack chance by 2%. Preparations before leveling. An example of my BRD macro and script for casting a song: Code. 100. * The new gear set will be added to the list. 0 Job Traits 5. Armor. To equip weapons and armor, open the Armoury Chest, highlight an item and press X ( button on the PS5™/PS4™) then select Equip from the subcommand menu. Practically speaking, if an equipset failed to equip before the rest of the macro. Help on writing the macros "Switch" Is a macro which will use the alter art and send you to the starter set for that art and is alway on Alt+1. Control 4: equip sleep bolts. It is not possible to automate things nor call other macros within a. mcr files, log back, and one can preserve/change all macros at once. lua, just changed the gear sets to match my garbage gear, tried both "//wr" in the in-game chat, "/console wr" in a macro, and "wr" from the console window, none of them equip the ring, nor add the chat to the game window. To equip weapons and armor, open the Armoury Chest, highlight an item and press X ( button on the PS5™/PS4™) then select Equip from the subcommand menu. They work as follows: Base = floor ( ( MND - Start MND )× Rate ÷256 ) + Const. I use "use current" and just simply change the head piece, leg, feet, back, earring and rings. 2. It doesn't really circumvent the problem, you can do the same without subtargets: /equipset 01 <wait 1> (precast) /ma "Fire" <t>. Yes, you would, although in-game macro waits have to be full seconds; you can't use fractions. Puppetmaster can have a Red mage, White mage, Black mage, casting Paladin (WHM head Harle body), non-casting paladin (ve head/ve body, or whm head/ve body), ranger. This way you don't need to keep checking, just have an /equip macro in your shoot macro and look for 'equipment changed', or have a separate line to equip it that you can hit as soon as you see 'you do. Assimilation. As of recent times of Abyssea, new age NINs really have to forgo all of the minor things you learn from 30-75 and beyond; this guide aims to inform of all those small things you should have learned had you leveled the job and. /echo <pet> Go get my XP!! Once a Beastmaster has access to the Tame job ability (at level 30) the following macro may be used to automatically Tame anything that you fail to Charm. lvl 1: Harpoon (Harpoon +1) lvl 4: Obelisk lvl 7: Bronze Spear (Bronze Spear +1) lvl 14: Brass Spear (Brass Spear +1) or Spark Spear lvl 20: Platoon Lance lvl. I am a keyboard users so my plan was to put Buff,Utilities and Subjob skills on CTRL set and WS skills and ws buff on ALT set, the rest of the skill, like the 1H I will access normally via menu, keep in mind that the equip swap will be included in the ws and other macros, so my plan is: CRTL - WA. anyone who says these arent good for war doesnt know the dd side of the job. Have to add a few seconds in the wait to account for lag sometimes. Party gear focuses on gear that would help a WHM to main heal and focuses on stats like MND, MP, and Cure Potency as well as macro gear like HMP, enfeebling skill. The execution is sequential, and can be interrupted by activating another macro during /wait commands,. your gonna hit harder and faster, like a. Ahh I see thanks! Ctrl J for jobability, and Ctrl m for magic too! I use em soooooo much! If you have a gaming keyboard or mouse you can macro those in the software. The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. You may also call your mount by using the text command “/mount [mount name]”. lua') end. When in a group that you're not the tank, use /assist tankname to target the mob your tank is fighting. Roles. The in game macros only offer a very select few choices of commands you can use for copying macros. I am not here to bash anyone, shove ideas or playstyles down people's throats. Job Level 3, Weapon Level 10: Tachi: Enpi Macro: /ws "Tachi: Enpi" <t> Tachi: Enpi delivers a two-fold attack to the target. Selecting “Static” will lock the character’s appearance. Switch Between pages of Macro * (star key at keypad) If a target is selected, it will lock or unlock from target. Equip Sequences that will work Putting either both ears or both rings on one macros button, using the /equip code, result in bad macros. These SA and TA sets I listed are, as I state in the guide, for "upon using the ability". 一見すると /equip は不要に思えますが、/equipset を多用すると wait 1 制限によるエラーが頻発するようになります。. 3. /recast "Berserk". If you have secondary folders inside of your scripts folder you will have to specify this like so /console exec Foldername/Nameoftxtfile. xml</register>. Increase the potency of Chakra and allows the remove of paralysis. Unless something went over my head, itemizer has no relevance with the Mog Wardrobe. Mog wardrobes are conveniently auto-detected when using equip macros, meaning /equip main "Light Staff" will look in all your wardrobes for a light staff to equip, and the macro will not break later if you move that staff to other wardrobes or your inventory. Enters 'linkshell' chat mode. You macro both in for whatever. /equip ammo "Enter Ammo Name Here". If you have unlocked the job, you therefore have a basic job at Lv 30. The Parthenon is an ancient temple built by the Greeks, in Athens, to tribute their maiden Goddess, Athena. This is super cool for keeping my stuff better organized, but I'm running into an issue with retrieving my gear from the MW when using Windower to run gear swap macros. Ctrl + A or Alt + A: Toggles attack mode. 1. /macro set 2 /macro set 3 /macro set 4 /macro set 5 /macro set 6. Here's what mine looks like: ALT+7: 2Hour. Clicking it will send you to macro page 2 on that page ALT+1 is same macro but CTRL+1 is /ja "Box Step" <t>. Pergatory • Pergatory on Asura • 1 yr. A Macro is a shortcut to execute a sequence of one to six commands, each of which can be used to activate a Job Ability, start casting a spell, issue a pet command, change an item of equipment, put text to a chat channel, or perform some other action. Long story short, decimal values in the FFXI macro system waits do not actually wait the specified time. I put these lines into my MP macro, and use it whenever I rest. Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 2 (Su2). Instead of a separate macro for equipment change, he. Just thought I would point out that the equipment macro puts the wrong macro for ranged items (i. Thus, Fast Cast's maximum contribution. Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post. Simple range shoot macro on Corsair using equipset 1 and 2 for snap shot and midshot. Big part of why they're so inferior to gearswap, which has no such restriction and operates seamlessly. check_buff ('Sneak Attack', eventArgs) check_buff ('Trick Attack', eventArgs) end function customize_idle_set (idleSet) if player. , LTD. Elemental Staves. Fine-Tuning. Create a gear set in the gear sets macro page. 8 second or so delay before you can switch to another set. FFXI Basics. Then your macro should contain /console exec Nameoftxtfile. A Macro is a shortcut to execute a sequence of one to six commands, each of which can be used to activate a Job Ability, start casting a spell, issue a pet command, change an item. . I don't know how PS2 works with FFXI. This only works because I use <call21> for my MP. Today, many pieces of equipment feature “Damage taken -%” stats. Crown +3: Maybe Macro piece and high acc. txt" directly in my macro pallete. FFXI allows the user to create 20 pallets of 10 macros, giving a total of 200 macro slots you can program. I strongly recommend putting in Queller Rod instead, then offering a Weather swap set,. Take out that, and we wont need the. Then use macros (ffxi, windower, or the advanced spellcast program) to switch between your sets as appropriate. Sometimes, when I'm on RDM and "main heal" (aka I can't nuke the or use the magics that make RDMs "lol") and I just got out of /healing mode, the cures think that I'm curing with a Pluto's Staff. For instance, one macro is set to cast multiple songs of the same type. [A1] - Target beast target macro and enmity gears with it. Changes as of March 2015 A category for locking/unlocking character equipment appearance has been added to the Misc. One pitfall is that the Lockstyle commands can't be used close together. Equipment sets is a newer (aug 2014) change that I allows a players to pull up a character gear set similar to the screen that is used for equipping gear. I need to make a gear-swap ws macro for some boots and gloves, but I have a question. Selindrile's LUAs have that function integrated. There are two types of emotes: Built-in emote commands ~ Typing a built-in emote such as /laugh or /cry followed by the word "motion" will display the character performing the associated animation. The first thing you are going to want to do is delete all the pre-made macros that came with FFXI, they are totally useless. Ear the LAST of the equipment swap macro. lua. 150 Physical Defense BonusEnables the player to equip items marked as Superior 2 (Su2). you can use <st> to cycle through targets instead of <t>. While that is somewhat nice and all, things have. The following set gets as close as you can while still staying above 3,000 HP. if you plan to use ranged attacks during the fight (when you aren't actually pulling a mob), you will need a second macro for that: /equip ammo "Acid Bolts". 5> /equipset 2 <wait 2> (rage) /equipset 3 (perp) using ingame macros there should be no reason to have a wait before issuing the pact, only the shortest delay possible after to swap to rage gear. In your main autoexec file you can have the following: <register event="login_Hitetsu">ae load Hitetsu. , Ltd. There are 5 pages of twenty sets each, totaling 100 equipment sets available. 2 Gear, which I will update in the next couple of days (Optimize them for the new Gear)Complete Guide to FFXI Macros. Enters 'party' chat mode. Final Fantasy XI: Quest I Can Hear a Rainbow: Abilities and Traits. So using Priwen (no reprisal) as a base. It is possible to register 100 different equipment sets, with that number potentially increasing in future version updates. The result of the mining will either be an item or nothing at all. Typing a built-in emote with the word. This was my first option since that's. → Slash commands Changes equipped items to stored item set in Equipment Manager /equipset options setname; options setname;. much. It's now going to equip #2 in the slot you setup for #1. So the quoted macro becomes: /equipset 13 <wait 1>. Cons: - Need 6-8 Tier IV spells to finish, maybe need to sleep and rest more than once. Your gear swap should have Preshot and midshot sets defined. Final Fantasy XI's world of Vana'diel is built upon the ideas of Plato's The Cave. Back - Waist - Legs - Feet. CTRL 1 (first line in macro book): /equip stuff x5 /macro set 2 CTRL 1 (second line in macro book): /equip stuff x5 /macro set 3 CTRL 1 (third line in macro book): /equip stuff x5 /Ja MurderTown <t> This lets you swap out a full 15 pieces of gear and execute your spell, Weaponskill or whatever with 3 keystrokes. Our role lies on our strongest offensive capability: TP efficiency. . Step 3: Pianissimo Minne IV > Pianissimo Ballad III on your tank. If there are any veteran players/rogues who know how to create a working weaponswap macro for skills like Ambush (or even warriors) please do share! All input and help is greatly appreciated, Thanks and. 145 Counter Effect Increases chance of countering attacks by 2%. Macro Editing Menu Addition Jul 25th, 2014 at 7:50 AM by Vlorsutes. Fire V, Blizzard V, Aero V, Stone V, Thunder V, Water V Deals corresponding elemental damage to an enemy. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. Ring 'Warp Ring' <me> <wait 11> /console send @all /item 'Warp Ring' <me> I have found that using the ' instead of " works. Please note that the item name in quotes in your macro must be identical to how that item name appears in your inventory. If you play in mage setups often and/or are in the habit of using QD for tp-gain, it's worth it to minimize recast. Even among other classes that use pets, Puppetmaster is unique. lvl 40 Chanter's Staff (CHR+6 Singing Skill+4) Better than the Monster Signa due to Singing Skill+4, despite loss of a little CHR. To access another set. txt. If that is insufficient, you can go to BlueGartr’s FFXI section or FFXIAH and ask for more assistance. Match the appropriate instrument with its corresponding song. Windower macros allow for infinite macro lines per macro key. Final Fantasy XI: Quest Path of the Bard: Abilities and Traits. ago. If either is active, equip -- that gear specifically, and block equipping default gear. The 10-sec reduction is very handy. Can use it for all in one macros for warp, cures, etc. 100 Dark Magic Skill Bonus Increases dark magic skill by 5. The latest. So Carbuncle macro would be: /equip main "Light Staff" /ma "Carbuncle" <me>For Final Fantasy XI on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best way to setup macros for stave swapping?". From the word meaning "spheres", this consisted of leather strips or rings wrapped around the hands, with cutting blades or spikes protruding from between them, in order to cause bloody cuts from even a glancing blow. You can gain significant boosts to attack, evasion and accuracy. /equip Ring1 "San d'Orian Ring". Body The Ashera Harness has lost its shine due to so many other - Damage Taken options we have post 2022 FFXI, some of which have higher MDB and base stats. The RDM has the ability to handle swords and combat with. Global Topic. 545 Quick Draw Delay Reduces the recast delay of Quick Draw by 10 seconds per 1 charge point. This includes my Merit Points, Job Points, Gear Sets and Macro's. DRK macro set. This addon is helpful for so many things. ring "Astral Ring" /equip L. FFXI Auction House Online [dev] Equip Macros Item Search . -Slightly proficient with some weapons. Monchichie. /equip ammo. Clinpachi. Press this to start your shot. So for ranged it would be (for example) /equip range "Power Bow". Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon. /ja 'Charm' <t>. Switch Between pages of Macro * (star key at keypad) If a target is selected, it will lock or unlock from target. The aim is to further expand your knowledge on the different ways macros can be used in FFXI. Simply entering the Macro String's title into the desired Macro line would effectively call all the Macro String data at once. The correct answer is that FFXI is a laggy game and using the in game macros correctly can still produce a bad result. 1 input /pet "Tegmina Buffet" <me>; I think these are all. For refresh, I macro on only 2 gears for fast cast. Swap out ra for ws "name" for weapon skill macros. This way you don't need to keep checking, just have an /equip macro in your shoot macro and look for 'equipment changed', or have a separate line to equip it that you can hit as soon as you see 'you do not have an appropriate ranged weapon equipped'. keep using 'vanilla' the macro system, knowing that somethings will require multiple macro presses. The macro command "/equipset" specifies sets of equipment that will be equipped via a single command. For gearswap, you just find a lua you like and copy/paste your gear into it. Increases ranged attack damage when performed at an appropriate distance by 2%. Then I macro back on my auto refresh gear. 6) Duplicates - Back to job specific mantles. If you're smart enough to have multiple equipment macros, I…Put your level 20 equipment on. Free Trial;. Usedtoberdm • 3 yr. HQ 1: Rose Wand +1. I generally just keep 1 full stack, plus the partial stack I have equipped, then my quiver. Players may simplify the process of mining with a macro of. 5 are both rounded down to 0. If my macro screws up and I only do sneak attack, I unlock from the target by pressing * and turn away, so that I don't attack until I'm ready.